Thursday, 4 March 2021

Makaut(WBUT) Power System-III 7th Semester Electrical Engineering 2018 ,2017,2016 Question Paper

 Power System -III 


[Multiple Choice Type Questions]

1)The impedance of a transmission line is z=3+j4, its conductance is given by 

a) 1/3  b) 3/5  c ) 3/25  d) 4/5 

2)In a transmission line the voltage and current are given by v=(10+ j5) and i =(6+j4). The circuit is 

a) Inductive  b) Capacitive  c) Resistive  d) It could be any of the above 

3) If the penalty factor of a plant is  unity, its incremental transmission loss is 

a) 1.0  b)-1.0  c) zero  d) None of these 

4)  If  X is the system reactance and R its resistance, the power transferred is maximum, when 

a)X = R   b) 2R  c)= √ 3R  d) X =2R 

5)The injection of VAR is required to 

a) compensate the line loss   b) get a good voltage profile

c) increase of voltage at the receiving   d) All of these 

6)For economic measure in power system, the generators at a power plant should operate at 

a) equal loads   b) minimum loads  c)load proportional to the rating  d) equal incremental cost 

7) A traveling wave 400x1x50 means crest value of 

a) 400V with rise time of 1/50 sec 

b) 400kV with rise time 1sec and fall time 50 sec 

c)  400kV with rise time 1μsec and fall time for 1/2 the crest value 50μsec 

d) 400mV with rise time 1μsec and fall time 50μsec 

8) An O.H. transmission line having surge impedance Z is terminated to an underground cable of surge impedance Z2. The reflection coefficient for the traveling wave at the junction of the line and cable is 

a)(Z1+Z2)/(Z1-Z2)   b) Z2/(Z1 +Z2) 

c)(Z2-Z1)/(Z1+Z2)  d)(Z1-Z2)/(Z1+Z2) 

9) The insulation strength of EHV lines is mainly governed by 

a) switching over voltage    b) lightning overvoltage

c)power frequency over voltage d) dynamic overvoltage 

10)The surge impedance of a 3-phase, 400KV transmission line is 400 Ohms. The surge impedance loading (S/L) is 

a) 400 MW  b) 100 MW  c) 1600 MVW  d) 200 MW 

11)  If  for  a  given alternator in  economic operation mode, the  incremental  cost is  given by (0.012P+8)  Rs/MWh, dPL/dp =  0.2  and  plant  λ=25,  then  the  power  generation  is  (PL =Transmission loss), 

a) 1000 MW  b) 1250 MW  c) 750 MWN  d) 1500 MW 

12) The impedance per phase of a  3-phase transmission line on a  base of 100 MVA, 100 kV is 2 P.u. The value of this impedance on a  base of 400 MVA and 400 kV would be 

a) 1.5 p.u.  b) 1.0 p.u.  c) 0.5 p.u.  d) 0.25 p.u. 



                                                        [Multiple Choice Type Questions]

1)  Economic operation of power system is carried out on the basis of 

a) equal incremental fuel cost  b) equal area criterion 

c) equal fuel cost  d) all units sharing equal power 

2) Permissible change in power frequency is 

a) 0.5 Hz  b) 1 Hz  c)5 Hz  d) 10 Hz 

3) Lightning arrester should be located 

a) near the circuit breaker  b) away from the circuit breaker 

c) near the transformer d) away from the transformer 

4)  Load compensation is used to improve 

a) voltage profile and power factor  b) voltage profile and active power 

c)voltage profile and reactive power  d) reactive power and power factor 

5) In AGC, the voltage and frequency is controlled by 

a) excitation control  b) turbine speed control 

c) excitation control and turbine speed control  d) None of these 

6) Series compensation in transmission lines 

a) increases stability limit  b) decreases stability limit 

c) has no effect on stability limit  d) increases active power 

7) A generating unit has an incremental production cost of Rs. 60/MWh. If the penalty factor for this unit is 1.2, the incremental cost of power delivered 

a) Rs. 50/MWh b) Rs. 72/MWh c)Rs. 61.2/MWh  d) Rs. 48/MWh 

8) An uncompensated transmission line on open circuit lead to 

a) Ferranti effect     b) line charging current flowing into generators is more 

c) both (a) and (b)   d) none of these 

9)  For increasing the reactive power output of a synchronous generator 

a) field current has to be reduced  

b) field current has to be increased 

c) generator speed has to be increased

d)generator speed has to be decreased 

10)The capacitance and inductance per unit length of a  line operating at 110 KV are 0.1 uF and 2mH. The surge impedance loading of the line is 

a) 40 MVA  b) 30 MVA  C)27 MVA d) 20 MVA 

11) An overhead transmission line is provided with earth wire for protection against 

a) switching surge  b) traveling wave 

c) lightning surge  d) Ferro-resonance 

12) The transient phenomenon lasts in a power system for a period ranging from 

a) few ms to 1s  b) 1s to 2s  c) 2s to 3s  d) greater than 3s 



                                                        [Multiple Choice Type Questions]

1. The reactive power transfer over a line mainly depends on  [WBUT 2014, 2016] 
a) power angle  b) sending end voltage Vs 
c) receiving end voltage Vr  d) │Vs│-│Vr│
Answer: (d) 

2.For economic measure in Power system, the generators of a power plant should operate at  [WBUT 2016]
a)equal loads  b) minimum loads   c) load proportional to the rating   d) equal incremental cost
Answer: (d)
3.A trayelling wave 400 x 1 x 50 means crest value of  [WBUT 2016] 
a) 400 V with rise time of 1 /50 sec 
b) 400 kV with rise time 1 sec & fall time 50 sec 
c) 490 kV with rise time 1 µ sec & fall time for 1/2 the crest value 50 µsec 
d) 400 MV with rise time 1 µsec & fall time S0 µsec 

4.If penalty factor of a plant is unity,its incremental transmission loss is  [WBUT 2009, 2016]
a) 1.0   b)-1.0  c) 0.0  d)2.0

Answer: (c)

5.When a DC source is switched on a purely inductive  circuit, the  circuit response is 
[WBUT 2016] 
a)an exponentially rising curve
b) an exponentially decaying curve 
c) a straight line passing through the origin 
d) a straight line off-set from the origin 
Answer: (a)

6. Two neighboring power system networks, having different frequencies, may be 
interconnected through  [WBUT 2016] 
a) 800 kV HVDC  b) 400 kV AC link 
c) 765 kV link       d) 1200 kV AC link 
Answer: (d) 

7.If a is the angle of voltage wave at which an R-L circuit is switched on and 0 is the impedance angle of the R-L circuit, there will be no transient when the circuit is switched on, if[WBUT 2016] 
a) α =0        b) a = 90° - θ
c) α = 90° + θ     d) none of these 
Answer: (b)  

 8.For a long uncompensated line, the limit to the line loading is governed by  [WBUT 2013, 2016] 
a) thermal limit  b) voltage drop
c) stability limit  d) frequency limt. 
Answer: (c)

9. With the help of a reactive compensation, it is possible to have [WBUT 2016]
a) constant voltage operation only 
b) unity power factor operation only 
c) both constant voltage & unity power factor 
d) either constant voltage or unity power factor 
Answer: (d) 

10.The unit of Lagrange MultiPlier '  λ  ' used in economic dispatch solution is  [WBUT 2016]
a)Rs/hr b) Rs/MW  c) Rs/MWh  d) Rs/Mwh                                                        
Answer: (c)

11.Steady-state stability of the power system is improved by [WBUT 2016] 
a) reducing fault clearing time 
b) using double circuit line instead of single circuit line 
c) single-pole switching 
d) decreasing generation inertia 

12.AVR loop is assigned to control [WBUT 2016]
a) terminal voltage of generator   b) frequency 
c) reactive power                          d) real power output 
Answer: (a) 

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